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January 13, 2005
JANUARY 13, 2005

Attendees: Carl Shreder, Harry LaCortiglia, Mike Birmingham, Tom Howland, John Bell, Paul Nelson, Laura Repplier

·       Discussion of next year’s budget and state of current funds.
·       Thought is that we cannot allocate any of the fee monies to the town. More research needs to happen to see what we can do.
·       Harry moved to renew membership to MACC (H/P) Uanm
·       Asked if people would like to attend MACC Conference on Mar 3. Those who wish to attend to contact Laura by 1/25/05.
·       Harry made a motion to approve the minutes of dates: 10/2/03, 12/04/03,12/18/03,6/10/04,11/18/04,12/16/04.(H/J)
·       Can we exchange a bond for a personal check. Question is how the replication guarantee is reflected in the OoC. In general, if a bond is specified, we should retain the bond account.

·       The road will not be worked on until better weather.  
·       Emergency cert issued but not acted on because of weather & funding.  
·       Ref letter from Jack Moultrie about approval – not until Spring for funding
·       Awaiting RDA.
·       New Members
MOTION to nominate Keith Reardon, Bob Gibb, Cliff Petersohn - Terms to expire June 06  - Harry / Tom / Unam

·       Most activity at the site has ceased
·       Issue that SRC has is the size of the testing grid that the DEP is asking for. Carl feels that DEP will require an extended sampling grid and to test for even more than what SRC was looking to do.
·       EO will allow trash removal, but no additional soil evacuation
·       New EO will expire on 1/27/05.
·       All wells to be sampled, analyzed and results submitted by 1/27/05.
·       Carl questions whether we should generate a new OoC. We should look at the work involved in updating the current OoC.
·       Action item
·       Harry made motion to ratify EO dated …. and issue new EO date 1/13/05 (H/J) Unam
ACTION:  Send 3 copies of EO.


NOI for SFH by intermittent stream edge.  

Applicant asked for continuance until May 12, 05 when growing season will be well under way.  
MOTION:  to continue until May 5, 2005 at 7:45 – Harry / John / Unam.

Comments from abutters:
Mr Stanwood, 274 E Main St.  - Seems like a narrow lot, there is water at the left & back.  The land has been reworked (sometimes at night) with a bucket loader.  This is their second attempt at NOI.  Abandoned before as required to do test borings to see if had changed land – water now backing up into other properties.  Will they try to “get into” other properties’ boundaries?  

Mrs. Stanwood, 274 E Main.  - Intermittent stream became a lake after the culvert was blocked in 2000.  Fire Dept took over 24 hrs to pump the flooding to protect basements & other properties.  She has photos – will bring them to meetings.  Flooding was featured in the Georgetown Record.  Look back to other applications on that property?

Mr. S – They withdrew their application.  He believes there has been wetland filling.  There was a pond there (wet meadow) – now gone – pushed around & is now gone.  Amended with a bucket loader when True Lane was put in.  The neighbors were threatened with expensive Boston legal action.  It was said that cows caused the change to the land.  He has to maintain easement for water flow into that property but it has been blocked for some time & now can’t flow.

Paul – Used to be dry but now very flowing.

Mr S – Happened “like magic” after the bucket loaders.  The flow is held back behind the wall in the woods now.

SFH & driveway.  GCC 2004 –42

This is the first house on right up on the hill.  Hillside Dr used to be dirt road in area.  There used to be an intermittent stream flowing through that area but the dirt road intercepted that water & it is now largely dry.  It is GCC wetlands but not state.  There is some water after a significant rain draining from acres upland.  

Stormwater easement.  The culvert is at 64 & 62.  The house is going over as far as possible on the opposite side of the lot.  The original driveway plan was too steep so it has been re-run – the house is slightly farther from the stream now.  The house footprint has been altered since the original NOI.  Currently there is a wall at 35’ which is probably a few feet into no-cut zone but will redo – the no-cut bounds will run along top of wall.

The driveway side is not cutting into the no-cut.   There are 4 monuments in the no-cut.

Paul - Alan asked them to come into max practical compliance to meet the new bylaw.  Now they are getting within 35’ of no-cut zone.

Carl – As it has already been approved we probably should not apply new regs to lots we already said were acceptable.

Applicant – There were a lot of trees lost on this lot though in other places it won’t be as bad.  They are chopping off the top of the hill & bringing the house back on the lot.  They will plant street trees to replace those lost – this is the worst lot for loss of trees & land re-config.  Have been using hay bales but mostly Marafi fence boundary which has been well dug in.  Did have a problem in the flood last Spring but it seems sound now.  They will have clean-up to do in Spring but it’s looking good.

Carl – Is there any way they could meet GCC new regs?

Applicant – Only by cutting out lots.  Is also PUD which gave the Open Space.  The goal was to have 50% of land as Open Space.  

Carl – Would have to re-zone all the lots.  

Applicant – The Open Space will belong to GCC.  Have to donate Open Space – Parcel 1 is minimum size, 2-4 are much bigger.  Soccer field, access to rail trail, trails in woods. There is a trail network which exists & connects the access areas.  There is wetland access but he wants input from GCC before providing a lot of access into the wetlands – 20 – 30’ wide.  Have not created trails through there yet – the goal was to circumnavigate development in Open Space.  They would be happy to put in a boardwalk through that wetland area.  It is already used by the public.  

MOTION: to approve plan of Sept 28, 2004 / Rev Jan 13, 2005.  Harry / John /  Unam
MOTION: to close if we can have 60 days for OOC – Harry / John / Unam

Construct SFH & drive   2004-GCC-043

This plan hasn’t changed.

Applicant – Intermittent stream goes behind the lot.  It was previously cleared and has loam & gravel piles from that excavation.  Trees are at the edges of the lot, he will add more street trees.  It’s a good sized lot.  The plan shows a larger house but it can be changed to be smaller.  There are 4 markers.

The lot lines are at an angle to street.  All the back of the lot is no-cut no-disturb due to the stream.  State & local wetlands defined behind.  Can only use ¼ acre of the whole lot.  Restrictions on lot as per OOC (rather than covenant).  Markers are in but some are without stickers.  

MOTION: To approve plan Sept 28, 2004 – Harry /  Tom / Unam
MOTION: To Close  - Harry / John / Unam

SFH & drive  2004-GC-45

The old road way is marked along side of lot.  That changed the way the runoff went – it now follows the roadway.  

They must add another monument / marker along straight line across the back, just outside the 100’ buffer zone.  

MOTION: To continue until Jan 20, 2004 7:45 for new marker / plans produced.  Mike /  John / Unam

SFH & drive within buffer zone

Applicant – They added another stone bound by the sidewalk just beyond the lot line.  

MOTION: To approve plan Sept 28, 2004 / Rev  Jan 13, 2005 -  Harry / Tom / Unam
MOTION: To Close -  Harry / John / Unam

Harry LaCortiglia left the room and did not return.


Applicant - The roadways are nearly complete with drainage done and seeded.  Wetland plants were seeded though have not established yet.  Three (3) retention basins have established well and are now functioning well.  

Littles Hill starting building next week.  Silt fencing established & will be re-checked before building starts.  

Intend to get Little Hill Lane roadway completely built by Spring to have whole growing season.  Houses won’t be built by Aug but easier to build as the lots require less modification.  No construction over boundaries for any of wetlands – though Lot 6 will be close & they will come back with NOI on that.

GCC - Questions re flag placements – though deep in no-cut & well within zone.  Will have to put additional no-cut boundary markers.

Applicant – Wants to extend for one more year.  But there is no provision for a second extension in bylaws.  

Trying to get curbing done by Aug but probably not possible.  Try to get it in one particular section of road to control the water flow.  The water is contained on the roadway – regs say entire road should send water into catch basins.  Londonderry Lane is 4-5’ wider than needed with high grade crushed stone sub-grade to slow the velocity of water on the way to the catch basin.

Retention basins – just one small one by the access to Open Space & other waters go to basin by Open Space 3.

There isn’t a lot of building in buffer zone for this street.  Want to have this completed by end of the state OOC on August 27, 2005.

The RDA is for whole sub-div.  OOC extended by the state until Fall 2005.  Local OOC continued to Jan 13, 2004.  Applicant is asking for a new RDA (orig expired since ’98).  Continuing RDA as a placeholder.

MOTION – To continue until May 5, 2005, 8:00 – John / Tom /  Unam


Signed Seekamp and Gale Assoc payment orders.

Mike made a motion to close; John seconded.